GREAT ORGAN (compass CC to C, 61 notes, *Slider soundboard): | |
Gross Gedackt | 16' (a) |
*Open Diapason | 8' (d) |
Principal | 8' (c) |
*Claribel Flute | 8' |
Rohr Gedackt | 8' (a) |
*Dulciana | 8' (h) |
*Octave | 4' |
Rohr Flute | 4' (a) |
*Twelfth | 2 2/3' |
*Fifteenth | 2' |
*Mixture | III |
+Trompette on Great | 8' (b) |
+Clarion on Great | 4' (b) |
SWELL (compass CC to C, 61 notes, expressive, 11 drawstops & 3 stopkeys (+), *Slider soundboard): | |
Bourdon | 16' (a, g) |
*Open Diapason | 8' |
Lieblich Gedackt | 8' (g) |
*Salicional | 8' |
*Voix Celeste | 8' tc |
*Gemshorn | 4' |
Lieblich Flute | 4' (g) |
*Fifteenth | 2' |
*Mixture | II |
+Contra Fagotto | 16' (b) |
+Trompette | 8' (b) |
Oboe | 8' (f) |
+Clarion | 4' (b) |
Tremulant | |
FLOATING MUTATIONS (compass CC to C, 61 notes, expressive, 3 drawstops, #Ventil soundboard): | |
#Nazard | 2 2/3' |
#Octavin | 2' |
#Tierce | 1 3/5' |
PEDAL (compass CC to G, 32 notes, 9 drawstops & 3 stopkeys(+)): | |
Open Diapason | 16' (d) |
Bourdon | 16' (e) |
Gross Gedackt | 16' (a) |
Quint | 10 2/3' (a) |
Principal | 8' (c) |
Bass Flute | 8' (e) |
Choral Bass | 4' (c) |
Octave Flute | 4' (a) |
Bass Cornet | III |
+Trombone | 16' (b) |
+Trumpet | 8' (b) |
+Oboe | 4' (f) |
COUPLERS (17 Stopkeys(+) & 3 Drawstops): | |
+Swell Octave (reads to Swell divisional pistons) | |
+Swell Sub Octave (reads to Swell divisional pistons) | |
+Swell Unison Off (reads to Swell divisional pistons) | |
+Swell to Great | |
+Swell to Great | 4' |
+Swell to Great | 16' |
+Great to Pedal | |
+Swell to Pedal | |
+Swell to Pedal | 4' |
+Mutations to Great | |
+Mutation to Great | 4' |
+Mutations to Great | 16' |
+Mutations to Swell | |
+Mutations to Swell | 4' |
+Mutations to Swell | 16' |
+Mutations to Pedal | |
+Mutations to Pedal | 4' |
MIDI to Swell | |
MIDI to Great | |
MIDI to Pedal | |
256 Level piston capture system with green fluorescent control panel | |
2 Open (guest) & up to 10 organist folders with password lockout | |
COPY facility copies contents of a selected level from any organist folder to the current level of the open folder or to the USB port | |
European Stop Sequencer Option with Insert facility and Song lists | |
Built in MIDI performance recording/playback system (Includes stop changes & expression) | |
5 Divisional thumb pistons to each manual. (intermanual couplers excluded) | |
5 Divisional toe pistons to the Pedal. (intermanual couplers excluded) | |
10 General thumb pistons. (all stops read to general pistons) | |
Reversible thumb pistons: GREAT TO PEDAL, SWELL TO PEDAL, SWELL TO GREAT | |
"GENERAL CANCEL" thumb piston | |
"SET" thumb piston. (Pistons may also be set by the tripper method) | |
Thumb pistons for Sequencer 3 x "NEXT", 1 x "RESTORE", 1 x "LAST", functions | |
Sequencer toe pistons: 1 x "NEXT", 1 x "LAST" function | |
Reversible toe pistons: GREAT TO PEDAL, SWELL TO GREAT | |
Transposer - 6 semitones up or down available from main control panel | |
Piston compassing | |
TUTTI illuminated thumb and toe piston | |
Balanced Swell pedal connected to existing 8-stage E/Pn engine | |
Balanced Mutations pedal connected to existing 8-stage E/Pn engine | |
+Stopkey for Great and Pedal Pistons coupled | |
+Stopkey for Generals on Toe Pistons |
2 manual & pedals, R&C pedalboard, electro- pneumatic