Double Open Diapason | 16' (a) |
Principal | 8' |
Diapason | 8' |
Claribel Flute | 8' |
Dulciana | 8' |
Octave | 4' |
Harmonic Flute | 4' |
Twelfth | 2 2/3' |
Fifteenth | 2' |
Mixture (19-22-26) | III |
Posaune | 8' (b) |
Violin Diapason | 8' |
Lieblich Gedackt | 8' |
Echo Gamba | 8' |
Voix Celeste (T.C.) | 8' |
Principal | 4' |
Lieblich Flute | 4' |
Fifteenth | 2' |
Scharf (22-26-29) | III |
Contra Hautboy | 16' |
Trompette | 8' |
Clarion | 4' |
Tremulant | |
Open Diapason | 8' (c) |
Gedackt | 8' |
Suabe Flute | 4' |
Nazard | 2 2/3' |
Recorder | 2' |
Tierce | 1 3/5' |
Clarinet | 8' |
Tremulant | |
Posaune | 8' (b) |
Open Metal | 16' (a) |
Open Wood | 16' |
Sub Bass | 16' (d) |
Octave | 8' (c) |
Bass Flute | 8' (d) |
Choral Bass | 4' |
Open Flute | 2' |
Mixture (19-22) | III |
Double Trumpet | 16' (b) |
Trumpet | 8' (b) |
Swell to Great | |
Positive to Great | |
Swell to Positive | |
Great to Pedal | |
Swell to Pedal | |
Positive to Pedal | |
Swell Octave | |
Swell Unison Off | |
Swell Sub Octave |
3 manual and pedals, electro-pneumatic, 61/30