Quartane | II (g) |
Cymbel | II (g) |
Rauschquint | II (F, Sw) |
Rauschquint | II (f) |
Mixture | II (c) |
Mixture | II (c) |
Sub Bass | 16' (j) |
Double Trompette | 16' (i) |
Double Trompette | 16' (i) |
Open Diapason | 16' (b) |
Gross Gedackt | 16' (a) |
Gross Gedackt | 16' (a) |
Gedackt | 16' (a) |
Contra Fagotto | 16' |
Quint Flote | 10 2/3' (a) |
Bourdon | 8' (j) |
Bourdon | 8' (j) |
Trompette | 8' (i) |
Trompette | 8' (i) |
Trompette | 8' (i) |
Cromorne | 8' (h) |
Cromorne | 8' (h) |
Dulciana | 8' (e) |
Dulciana | 8' (e) |
Dulciana | 8' (e) |
Piffaro (T.C.) | 8' (d) |
Principal | 8' (c) |
Principal | 8' (c) |
Open Diapason | 8' (b) |
Rohr Gedackt | 8' (a) |
Rohr Gedackt | 8' (a) |
Trompette Harmonique | 8' |
Salicional | 8' |
Open Diapason | 8' |
Cor de Nuit | 8' |
Sub Tierce | 6 2/5' (d) |
Grossterz | 6 2/5' (d) |
Quint Flote | 5 1/3 (a) |
Twelfth | 5 1/3' (c) |
Octave Trompette | 4'(i) |
Octave Bourdon | 4' (j) |
Choral Bass | 4' (j) |
Octave Trompette | 4' (i) |
Octave Trompette | 4' (i) |
Cromorne | 4' (h) |
Principal | 4' (c) |
Fifteenth | 4' (c) |
Rohr Flote | 4' (a) |
Rohr Flote | 4' (a) |
Rohr Flote | 4' (a) |
Octave | 4' |
Gemshorn | 4' |
Clarion Harmonique | 4' |
Tierce | 3 1/5' (d) |
Sub Tierce | 3 1/5' (d) |
Octave | 2' (c) |
Rohr Flote | 2' (a) |
Rohr Flote | 2' (a) |
Super Octave | 2' |
Fifteenth | 2' |
Nazard | 2 2/3' (encl) |
Twelfth | 2 2/3' |
Super Quint | 2 2/3' |
Sifflote | 1' (a) |
Tierce | 1 3/5' (encl) |
Larigot | 1 1/3' (encl) |
Tremulant | |
Swell Unison Off | |
Swell to Positive | |
Swell to Pedal | |
Swell to Great | |
Swell Super Octave to Pedal | |
Swell Octave to Postive | |
Swell Octave to Pedal | |
Swell Octave to Great | |
Swell Octave | |
Mutations Unison Off | |
Mutations to Pedal | |
Mutations to Great | |
Mutations Sub Octave to Great | |
Mutations Sub Octave | |
Mutations Octave to Pedal | |
Mutations Octave to Great | |
Mutations Octave | |
Gt & Ped Piston Coupler | |
Great to Pedal | |
3 manual & pedals, electro-pneumatic, 61/30; R & C pedalboard