Principal | 8' |
Rohr Flute | 8' |
Octave | 4' |
Flach Flute | 2' |
Sesquialtera (12-17) | II |
Mixture (19-22-26-29) | III-IV |
Gedackt | 8' |
Koppel Flute | 4' |
Principal | 2' |
Quint Flute | 1 1/3' |
Scharff (22-26-29) | III |
Trumpet | 8' |
Tremulant (adjustable) | |
Sub Bass | 16' |
Principal 8' | 8' |
Gedackt 8' | 8' |
Choral Bass 4' | 4' |
Rauschquint (19-22) | II |
Fagot | 16' |
Schalmey | 4' |
Swell to Great | |
Great to Pedal | |
Swell to Pedal | |
Tracker action to manuals and pedals | |
Electric stop and combination action. |
2 manual & pedals, 61/30, tracker key action, electric stop action, R&C pedalboard